Kells Infant School

Physical Education (PE)


At Kells' Infants School we love to stay fit and healthy. We know that being healthy and keeping moving is an essential part of growing and helps us to achieve wellbeing. We do a range of activities and often have external coaches to help us develop our skills. We increasingly take part in competitions inside  school and against other schools in the locality.

Our teachers encourage us to take part in sport and physical activities outside school. This includes joining sports teams, learning to swim and taking part in adventurous activities. 

We have opportunities to get out into the Lake District or the local beaches on a regular basis and to enjoy outdoor, physical activities which are accessible to all people since they are free. Our school encourages us to get out and explore the natural environment and to encourage our families to enjoy these experiences with us.

We currently use the IPEP scheme of work and assessment for PE because we believe it gives good skills progression and is easy for all staff to follow.

 Progression in dance.pdfDownload
 Progression in games and Athletics.pdfDownload
 Progression in Gymnastics.pdfDownload
 Progression in Outdoor and adventurous activities.pdfDownload
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High Road, Kells, Whitehaven, Cumbria, CA28 9PQ

01946 691865